YAY!!! I can finally show you want we've been loosing sleep over for the past couple weeks!! It's a fun little viral video teaser the Owl City folks asked us to make. Just in case you're new to the blog, a few months ago we entered a fan video contest, the public voted, and we won!! The Universal Record people thought our style would be a good fit for this little Owl City/Sky Sailing video so we got the gig! Fun, fun!! Hope you like it! Hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more Armstrong-made music videos floating around the interweb over the next couple years : )

We just got back from our little 4-generation, 1000-mile, 4-day road trip. I've got TONS of pics I need to sort through and edit. I'm excited to share them! Lots to catch up on!!
Hope you're having a good week!
Arian : )
The video is captivating. Good work. I like that the boat is The Seabird too! :)
I love it! brilliant.
Great blogg and good pictures
trenger jobb
excellent work!
round UP, Arian...round UP!!! :)
round UP, Arian! ..round UP! ;)
Really good work. Your artwork is so cute! :)
Awe, it's so cute! CONGRATS!
I love this video! You are very talented. Thanks for sharing it. I had to add you to my list of inspirational artists on my blog. :)
we LOVE your art/work. it's magical & sweet. my daughter heron wanted to watch that video over & over, shouting, "AGAIN" (or, as she says, "A-DEN!"--she's two...) as it ended each time. so glad to be introduced to you & your work!
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