Alright, so
these verses have been lovingly smacking me in the face recently. It's silly how often I miss opportunities to rejoice and be grateful because I'm focused on the very few things that aren't necessarily working out like I want them to. Funny how, the more you focus on your worries, the bigger and more insurmountable they seem to be. Silly worry.

(click on image above for the larger version then right click or drag to your desktop to save)
So I decided to take this little sketch I did in my sketchbook and color it really pretty like ; ) and share it with the rest of you. It's for making a list of some of those true, noble, right, pure, lovely things all around us that we tend to forget. Print it out and stick it on the fridge next to your grocery list or your to-do list. Tape it to your mirror. Tape it to your forehead. Laminate it so you can write and re-write on it often.

I'm thinking I'll make one for boys too since I've got a 5-year-old who also sometimes needs to be reminded that falling off his bike once or only getting 3 bedtime stories instead of 4 does NOT constitute "the baddest day ever!!" ; ) If I do, I'll share it here!
So print the image, email it, blog it, link to it, whatever! Just don't sell it or claim it's yours. : )
Arian -
Thanks so much for sharing what God is teaching you!!! And for sharing your art with us!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! :) Don't we all need to be reminded that (fill in the blank) does NOT constitute "the baddest day ever!" Thanks for the gentle reminder! :)
your old roomie
Teresa :)
Wow, thanks so much! I've been following you for a while, and I love your art... have you ever thought about making digital "stamps" for papercrafters to use? I think your work would be very marketable to stampers like me!
thx friend! I needed that reminder today as worries are overwhelming me.
Thank you for your lovely post. I too have been dwelling on these verses(you can read about it I am going to print out your art and hang it on the wall. I think I need the reminder.
this is so lovely! Thanks for the free download!
That is just wonderful, thanks so much.
that is very cute.. a great idea.
I've read this many a time, but today I felt it. Thank you for this. I love it, I needed it.
good reminder and beautiful art, this is great, thank you for sharing!
thanks for sharing. that's beautiful!
Found this via Kim @ What a great, great, great printable! Thank you for sharing it. I've been focused on these verses for the last couple of months (my mother passed away in May after a long battle with cancer) and they have been what kept me from going a bit crazy. I've written them out but not anywhere nearly as cute! Thanks again.
awesome, thank you so much!!
That is a beautiful piece of art. Thanks for sharing
i love this. wonderful thank you so much for sharing. xoxo
I'm brazilian and love your job. You're a blessed artist. Thank you!
Wow, so adorable. Touches my heart.
this is really great. thanks for sharing your beautiful work.
Thank you! I love this verse! So cutely done! :)
Such a great printable - thanks for sharing! I featured this on my blog
Thank you !
Thank you this is wonderful!
Thanks, Nancy
Thanks so much for providing the free printable of your artwork! Love it! I'm a new follower. Will feature this soon on my blog if that is ok and link back to you. In todays economy we all need to make a list like this to try and stay positive. Keep up the good work!
Great! Thx! :)
thank you for this printable, love this scripture :)
Love your work, your style :)
God Bless!
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