Guy in produce section as he rushes over to help me wrangle the bag into my cart: WHOA! Let me help you with that! Shew!
Guy near deli counter: WHOA! Getting the BULK bag, I see!
Me: Yep, just got a juicer. Gonna juice some carrots.
Lady at register: WHOA! I didn't know we sold a bag that BIG! Do you have HORSES?!
Me: No, a juicer. They're for juicing.
Boy bagging groceries: WHOA! I've never seen so many carrots!
Me: Yep, yep... it's a lot of carrots.
...tap on my shoulder...
Lady behind me in line: Excuse me, but do you have horses?....

We also just finished our first round of alfalfa sprouts grown in our new sprouter. It's way easy and fun to watch them grow every day. We've been tossing them into wraps, salads, sushi, even the boys' mac & cheese at lunch today.

How 'bout you guys? Do you have any garden plans this summer?
Arian : )
(more fun with green and orange here)
This post made me smile! We get the same looks at the grocery store, too. Not only do we buy 25lb bags of carrots for juicing, but usually three big tubs of spinach for green smoothies and a cart-full of other produce! Yeah, it looks like we're feeding rabbits -- but golly we feel great!! :-) Three cheers for Raw Food!
Awsome blog, and I really love your Header.
would you like follow me back?
We just got a garden installed...meaning we payed someone to put it in....now it's up to us to love it until it grows. We have a raised bed square foot garden with lots of veggies...yay for being healthier! Snap Peas, Carrots, 2 kinds of lettuce, Broccoli, Califlower, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts...and that is just the first planting.....
Mariah Kroger
Thank you for this post. After reading it, I dig out my juicer and haven't stop making juices and smoothies :)
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