I'm heading off to my first ever book signing in Indianapolis, IN in the morning. I'm not sure what to expect. But at very least, it will be a fun day trip!
To celebrate, I'm giving away a signed copy of our book (inside pics here)!! Just leave a comment on this post and let me know where you'd like to go on a day trip! (Then pack a lunch and go there!) I'll randomly select a comment and let you know who the winner is on Saturday!
I would love to go on a day trip to any large state or national park with a body of water nearby. Filled with a picnic lunch already planned in :) Add in some time for some sketchbook or watercolor painting from landscape, turn on the chill music and play Frisbee with friends, swim, and look at cloud "art". That would be my dream get away day trip for this summer, I'm thinking I'll start planning for it now. :)
The book looks beautiful by the way!
To a day trip I would like to go to a lake, to read good book and to relax. In Slovenia we have a very nice nature and a lake Bled wit island in meddle.
Best regards from Slovenia, Tanja
The great wall of China,
the sun over the hills and filling the valleys would just look amazing. Knowing how important it was at the time and the history resonating in the air. Amazing.
Ooooh I would like to spend a day in London, pottering in lovely little shops with plenty of pennies to buy pretty things, and then laze away the afternoon in a park with a picnic of tea and cake and then finish off by seeing something in a theatre in the evening :) but it would be a magic trip where you were completely unaware of travel time and tired feet and heavy bags. Magic!
(Almost drooling looking at the pictures of the book! Looks scrumptious!!)
I would like to go to Tennesse and visit Dollywood for that old timey feel amusement park, with my family.
I've been wanting to go down to Lexington one weekend, drive through thoroughbred country, eat downtown, and hit some antique shops on the way back.
I'd love to take a day trip to somewhere away from people. A lake, or a quiet beach or something like that. I'd love to just lay around and read and spend time just my husband and me. We seem to be constantly surrounded by people lately!
I'd like to go somewhere up north where it is cool. ANYWHERE! It's so hot here that a nice splash in a cool creek, looming trees overhead, and a breeze would be perfect!
Oh, have fun! I'm sure you will let us know who it went! :)
I would love to go hike saddle mountain, it's so close by but we haven't been there yet.
How wonderful! Indianapolis is my hometown, if you have a chance you should swing by Broadripple. It's a cute area of Indy with vintage shops and a really great record store. I hope your signing goes well, You'll knock some socks off!
Gosh, there are so many places I'd love to go! I'd love a day trip that includes a little drive up the Califonia coast (maybe to San Fran?), picnic in the park, nap in the sun with my husband, and coffee at a fun new shop.
Hope the book signing goes well! So exciting!
I would like to go on a day trip to a big city, like New York! Unfortunately, this won't be today, but someday!
Yay Book Signings! That has to be so much fun. For a day trip, I would definitely hit up st augustine, peruse the art shops, kayak around the intercoastal and have a picnic on the beach sand.
My mom and I have been talking about going on a day trip to see Laura Ingall's house! It's from Little House on the Prairie and since I grew up listening to the books being read by my mom I think it would be a great trip to take together!
If I was still living in California I would love to take a day trip to the beach!
Congrats on the book!! How exciting! I'd love to go on a day trip up to the mountains. I'd pack a picnic and go on a hike!
I'm not entering the giveaway . . . because I got a free copy already! I am doing some freelance for Standard and they sent me a copy of your book. It looks AWESOME!!! Congrats on the great work!!!
On a day trip I would go with my best friends to a 100% close-to-nature encounter place called "Canta" here in Lima-Peru. It has beautiful landscapes of the mountains, the blue amazing sky, the rivers, and the little city town. We would ride horses, walk around the little town, go to tthe waterfall,eat this peruvian fish called Trucha which lives only in the rivers and its salty, we would go sightseeing, later we would lay on the grass and watch the clouds pass by while feeling the fresh air breeze pass by. ( I know I live in Peru, but my aunt lives in USA so if i won your book, i would b able to get it :D)
Go Arian! Have fun and enjoy your trip!
For a day trip I'd love to go to the local beach! In fact, I think I'm doing exactly that tomorrow.
I would go to the beach on Maui with a picnic basket full of delicious foods, a big beach blanket and a good book. :)
I think that I would like to go to the resevoir by our house and just sit on the banks looking out into the beautiful water and have a picnic with my wife and our new beautiful 2 month old. These are the times that are going to fly by, so maybe that will happen next week!
I would absolutely love to go on a day trip to a nice warm beach. I'd take along my 5 week old (wearing lots of sunscreen, of course!), the hubby, a camera, and my journal...and soak up the sun. But as of right now, I'd settle for 5 hours of straight sleep...;)
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