"I would go to the beach on Maui with a picnic basket full of delicious foods, a big beach blanket and a good book. :)"
So, Mrs. Harmony, please shoot me an email at arianarmstrong(AT)yahoo(DOT)com and let me know where to send your book!
In other news, Daniel is out of town this weekend. My first night alone was pretty awesome, actually. I drank wine, watched a girly movie, listened to music and just laid awake on the bed thinking and dreaming til late into the night. My introverted, internal-processing heart thrives on times like that.
Buuuuut, it's night #2 and I'm starting to go a little crazy. I found myself making faces at myself in the ichat video window. Yep. I'm that cool.

(Yay! Daniel calls! But then he asks me what I'm doing. And I have to tell him the truth. Then he vows never to leave me at home alone ever again) ; )
Thankfully he'll be back tomorrow.
Arian : )
Ha ha, I have the same trouble with the range of my facial expressions.
hey, i found your blog through one of my friends. Really like your work, and also the James Garrel you posted. Just thought I would let you know. Congrats on your book. The trick with facial expressions is to be shameless!!! Haha.
Errmm...those are some interesting facial expressions you've got there.
I like your art style, it's not what I normally go for, but I like it.
You know what I can do? Some of my friends call me chameleon: I can make my eyes go in two directions at once. Guess that makes me even more crazy than usual?
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