"My (actually my grandparents') Old Kentucky Home..."

Sporting my nearly 6 months pregnant belly.

My sister trying out new recipes for the Thanksgiving feast!

Storytime with great-grandpa.

Sigh..I miss family.
"Across The River In Ohio..."

Our recycled Christmas wrapping-- sewn Whole Food bags and old wallpaper samples found in my grandpa's garage

More family (and a new haircut: )

And, just like the Pilgrims probably did on their first Thanksmas, we celebrated with the traditional Sock Monkey Making Party. Some dollar store socks, needle & thread, and a good ole' American sock monkey spirit is all you need to incorporate this tradition into your family celebrations.

Great family, great food, great fun...couldn't ask for anything more : )
sounds like a wonderful trip! Great photos!
Nice to hear you had a wonderful thanksmas n also nice to see all your family's pictures. I am very excited to know that yr grand-pa in Kentucky, he is doing well.
Pls put some pictures of hand-made presents you have made this year sometime!
I am the 500 Follower!!!!!!!!
And I am amazed with your talent. Would love to have one of your works at my own home :-)
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