
Wednesday, February 19, 2014


If you follow me on Instagram you've maybe noticed I'm a fan of alone time. One of the most practical and helpful rhythms we've added to our week this new year is #AloneTimeWithArian. Four or so mornings a week, while Daniel gets our kids ready for the day from 7am-8am, I head out to start my day alone, in quietness. It's not a long time but it makes a big difference in the state of my heart for the rest of the day.

(this morning in Over The Rhine

If we're in town, my favorite thing is to journal or read in one of my favorite coffee shops. That, or wander around the quiet downtown streets taking photos of the morning sunlight.

 (Four Minute Essays by Dr. Frank Crane, 1919)

If we're visiting family in the country, I take advantage of nature and take a walk in the woods!

I even got a whole 24 hours of alone time a few weeks ago. Daniel took care of everything at home so I could spend the night in a hotel downtown, stay up late watching girly movies and eating chocolate, sleep in, and spend the day wandering from coffee shop to library to art store to book store to cafe. I confess, toward the end of that 24 hours I felt kind of homeless and was looking forward to being back with my family. Go figure : )

(the view from my hotel room)

It's a luxury I didn't think I could afford. But Daniel tends to think I'm worth it even when I don't. And I'm grateful!

Another luxury I didn't think we could afford---a babysitter! Starting this week I've got 9 hours of child-free time to work on new art! I plan on using it well!

So any other introverted mamas out there have tips on how to stay sane during the child-raising years?

Arian : )


  1. Beautiful and fantastic. I get up at five to find some alone time. It means going to bed early but it has been life changing for me. I am way over due on a good long 24 hours of alone time.

  2. Arian:
    I think of you often.
    Elisha and I still have conversations about his recalling of times with you, Hudson and Daniel, and our humble apartment life community on Creesy Street.
    I have followed your blog since you left Marblehead all those years ago.
    I know that you reached out to me in a sweet voice mail awhile ago, but time has blurred that moment, so let's reconnect soon.
    Healing Hope Fundraiser is March 15th, 2014, and I will send you an email soon about it!
    Would love to feature some of your prints in the silent auction.
    Today is my 52nd birthday, and my motto this year is "52, and not through-too much to do!"
