
Friday, August 16, 2013

Fun Day with Grammy

 The boys, my mom, and I took the day to explore a few downtown Cincinnati treasures. Old buildings are so inspiring to me. They're filled with textures and colors and layers that tell quiet stories of past inhabitants.
 Algin houses floor after floor of used office furniture. I love it. Put a cup of iced coffee in my hands and I could explore for hours.
Urban industrial beauty.


These chairs. I want these chairs.

That's Carew Tower through the window. The highest point in Cincinnati. We'll end up there in a bit!

Next up, Ohio Book Store! 5 Levels of beautiful, used books to explore!

Hudson is a cultured, sophisticated adult trapped in an 8-year old's body. His favorite things?--- old books, fine leather, fancy shoes, herbal teas, handcrafted pipes (just to hold, not to smoke...though he would if we let him), wood working, and dressing up. Yesterday he waited on the front porch for thirty minutes for the mailman to deliver the shoe polish he ordered from Amazon. He needed it to complete his homemade shoe polishing kit. This kid.

From there we headed to Carew Tower, a wealth of art deco design. We rode the tiny elevators up 49 floors to the very top to enjoy the view on a beautifully sunny day.

 The top!
 Ohio on one side of the river, Kentucky on the other.

 I love days like these. I love the city. We finished the day with sushi and iced coffee. Pretty perfect!


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