
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Print Giveaway

I posted this over on Instagram but wanted to make the same offer here on my blog. Like the rest of the world, events like the bombing in Boston make me sick to my stomach. And I wish I could do something to make everything better. But maybe the best I can do is give things away.
So I am giving away 10 prints. If you have been encouraged by any of my prints, leave a comment here on this post and let me know which one. Check my shop if you need the specific title. I'll pick 10 random people on Monday and send you that print for free.
Be encouraged! There is still hope.
Arian : )


  1. Oh how kind! I LOVE your here I am to worship painting but I think the one that moves me the most and really speaks to me, no pun intended, is this one... there are so many days that I just need to be quiet, still and listen and when I do it should only be from Him. Hugs! Thank you for doing something kind for all of us.

  2. I love the "Be Strong, Take Courage" print...such a good reminder.

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  4. Oh my goodness, what a great offer! I would love to hang your "Be Strong Take Courage" print in Ben's room. <3

  5. I love "How Wonderful Life Is"

  6. All of your prints are adorable...hard to pick just one favorite. But I do love the BE FREE with the birdcage.

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  8. What a sweet offer! I really like the "love is my weapon" print!

  9. I love How Wonderful Life is! Appreciate your positive outlook!

  10. What a sweet offer! I really like the "Love is my weapon print" Thanks Arian!

  11. I love UP Up and Away... Beautiful message.

  12. You have such a wonderful heart!!!! Thank you for being an example of doing something good to counteract what is going on in our world! Maybe all of us can think of something productive to do (besides prayer of course!). :) I love the Joy print, because there is always joy available to us, even after terrible things.

  13. "Love Wins" and "Love Never Fails" are two I find most encouraging! But I have a few more too and love them all!

  14. I like the one you just posted, "Love is My Weapon".

    Stellar. I could write paragraphs about your artwork and how much I like it!

  15. Per Eric's facebook comment, we often share your "the world is a battlefield, love is my weapon of choice" with others. I love so many of your pieces.


    The perfect Love print. Def my favorite :)

    Love the guesture. Im inspired to give away things myself. Love how a kind act can magnify (like a ripple effect) and change the world.

  17. I absolutely cannot choose between "How Wonderful Life Is" and the "I Belong with You" set. I too watched Moulin Rouge about 127 times, and I'm currently addicted to The Lumineers. And, more importantly, both remind me to cherish the love I have and remember that it all comes from something greater than I can understand.

    But, I'm moved to buy them instead. And if I should be one of the random 10 chosen, please donate my payment to the good cause of your choice.

    And hopefully that will make us both feel a little less sick to our stomachs.

  18. My favourite print is the "Perfect love casts out fear" print. Would like to put it up in my almost 1 year old's room so that he can grow up remembering this every day!

  19. I love your work Arian. So hard to choose a favourite. I do love the 'love wins' because it always does! Blessings on you and your family!

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  21. I have to choose "I Belong with You" because my two year old carries his little guitar (which is actually an old ukelele) around the house, strumming away, singing, "Ho! Hey!" every day.

  22. I'm loving the Open Hearted print.

  23. "The Shore"...resonates in all my memories and where I've where I am setting out where I hope to go. Love it.


  24. The Home Print - I see my Husband and I long ago in this picture, he was young with a dark brown big beard.I very young myself holding hands, now married almost 39 years, but still in Awe in love with this much older wiser man and still holding hands. Thank you for a wonderful memory of long ago.

  25. It all boils down to this: Love Wins! That's my favorite. It can be easy to forget that on this journey.

  26. Your "Snowy Night" print always brings me peace, reminding me that we are not alone.

  27. Your 'Love Never Fails' has been on my wish list for a while now. All of your prints are amazing. I also adore the 'This is my story, This is my song' print. What you are doing is a beautiful gesture of kindness. X

  28. I love all of your prints, your characters are so adorable and the messages are great reminders. While I usually like bright colors, I really like The Wise Man prints as it reminds us that if we're built on the rock, nothing can truly harm us. I love the story because it reminds me that I am doing things right, even if those around me don't agree.

    Maybe one day in the future you'll do a Hebrews 6:19 inspired piece... that line has become really important to me lately. :)

  29. I adore so many of your prints that it's hard to pick just one! If I have to choose though, it would be "Love Never Fails".
    ❤ C.C.

  30. Dear Arian,

    You are so kind!
    My favourite one is "BeLoved. BeFree." in blue.

    Keep making beautiful art! <3

  31. I, too, have watched and was sick to my stomach at all the hate. Thanks for reminding us that love (and a generous spirit) can conquer.

    I love the Here I am print.


  32. Hard to pick just one. Guess I'll have to say the Good Knight print!

  33. I've always loved the Joy print, reminds me of the joy that life in Christ has given me.

  34. My favorite print is Here I Am To Worship. I love that the girl in the photo is raising her hands up high freely worshiping Jesus. She's standing alone on a hill, and waters rage around her, but she's praising the Lord :) I pray that I can be like that. No matter what is going on in my life, I will raise my hands up and praise Jesus, the lover of my soul. Hallelujah. <3

  35. I like your thinking :)

    "Your banner" is my favorite

  36. I'm a Midwesterner living in Indonesia. The day before I moved here, I had the word "beautiful" from Isaiah 52:7 tattooed on the bottom of my foot to always remind me that no matter where I am, I am to be a bringer of Good News. I didn't know it at the time, but here in Indonesia, I actually live ON a mountain! "How beautiful on the mountain.." That worked out kind of perfectly. So even though I am a great admirer of all of your art, the Beautiful Mountain print is the one that holds the most meaning for me. (And don't worry - if I happen to win, you can mail it to my momma in America!) Also, I just want to say that I follow both your blog and your Instagram. You and your family are all lovely, and seeing the way you choose to live your life is an encouragement to me, even from half a world away. Thank you for that.

  37. "Then sings my soul" would be a perfect addition to our family room. Thanks you so much for the opportunity to win one of your prints.

  38. Heading Home is my favorite. I have The Lonely Walk in our living room and I absolutely love it. The solitude and peace it invokes is so calming. What a generous offer!

  39. When dark things happen in the world, I cling to my "home" aka my husband. "I Belong with you" is my favorite representation of love. Your work is simply beautiful and peaceful.

  40. How very kind of you! Your At home print is amazing!
