I just added a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE to my
Etsy shop... some simple prints I've been wanting to do for awhile. Finally, a couple quiet hours at the laundromat with only my sketchbook and a mouse to keep me company (true story) and I got the drawings done.

The heart speech bubble is something that started popping up in a lot of my paintings when I was working on my first big art show
in Memphis last year. Like
this one and
this one.

Simple but deep.

There are currently 5 colors available and I'm open to suggestions if you have a special color in mind.
"God's Heart" (blue)
"Your Heart" (brown)
"God's Heart" (green)
"My Heart" (grey)
"Your Heart" (red).
And I'm giving away a set of two of your choice. Just post a comment below and let me know something/someone you love. And I mean REALLY love....not like, "I love pizza." (Although pizza does sound pretty good right now.) I'll randomly select and post a winner on Saturday so be sure to check back!
I love my sweet husband and crisp fall air with the hint of burning leaves. Very Sweet paintings, so cute!
I love being inspired. I love the winter. I love Chicago. I love plane rides. I love Gilmore Girls. I love many things ( :
Oh my! Those are really sweet drawings! I love them, but that's not my answer. :) I love my husband more than I ever thought possible and I love our baby firl on the way - just a few more weeks!
I love my sweet husband, old wooden doors, the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore, having a house packed to the gills with friends, the warmth of summer evenings.
I love my new son, the smiles that he gives can just melt away the sorrows of a day.
I truly LOVE the three men in my life. My husband, my dad, and Jesus. Cliche-maybe but beyond true. I AM SO INSPIRED by your paintings- especially the ones where God is speaking ;)rock on!
I love my family. They make me smile on the dreariest days and bring so much laughter to my life!!
I love feeling my baby girl move inside of me as she grows.
I love the feeling I get when I see my daughter! Safety, happiness, accomplishment,warmth, joy, etc! Pure magic
xo, Mariana
omg these prints are genius. seriously. simple but very very clever and sweet.
i love my cat, Gemini. i miss her while i'm at work and school. today i was at a friends house and i stared thinking about my cat, so i had to go home and see her. :) lol
Well of course I love my husband. He is the most supportive & encouraging person. I also love God and serving Him. I know He will always provide & take care of us. Me & my husband are looking forward to starting our youth ministry real soon. I can't wait to see what He has in store for us and the youth of our new town!
I love coming home.
I love coming home to play video games with my husband.
my amazing family! the bestest husband in the world and the cutest most precious little boy I could have ever imagined. God is so good and I love Him too. :)
I LOVE these drawings. What an awesome, simple, beautiful reminder to have around that God DOES love us, no matter what. I definitely need that from time to time. Aside from loving that, I love my parents, always there with the right thing to say in every moment of everyday. I also love books, really great captivating books.
I love my little family so much sometimes I feel too full. I love tea in the morning, and peaches with cream.
These paintings are great! I love art! Way more than pizza.
awwww! this is an awesome giveaway!! i love my girlfriends! they are the BEST thing ever!!
I love my girlfriends from college!
besides my hubbie... I love my friends that stay with me when life is hard!!
I really love my man. Eaven if he dosn't have a good day.
Best regards from Slvoenia, Tanja
I love my first boyfriend and hugging him when its cold.
I love cutting up beautiful magazines.
Such a loaded question... What are the things that I truly LOVE in life?
I am deeply in love with my God and am amazed at how he loves me just the way I am (and yet he loves me so much that he doesn't want me to stay that way!).
I love people, in spite of all of their brokenness.
I love love. :)
I love my husband, family, and friends... I have been blessed beyond understanding with them.
There are so many things in this world to be grateful for. :)
Thank you for sharing your lovely artwork.
Just found your blog today! I've been a fan of your art for a while so I'm so excited to read everything! :)
Someone I love more than anything is my Mom. She's my bestfriend and is always there for me. I'd be a mess without her! :)
Good luck to everyone entering. I would love to have those on display in my apartment!
these are really really sweet.
lately ive been thinking of how much i love the men in my life: my husband, my dad, my brother, and my grandpa. alot.
I love my glorious hubby and my fat little rescued puglet! I love the transition into Fall but not the transition into Winter. I love tiny things and digging through my grass and yard to find tiny things to photograph!
These are beautiful!
I love my husband, we are celebrating our first anniversay on Sunday. <3
I love Saturday mornings. Sleeping in late and making a huge breakfast with a pot of freshly ground coffee.
I love antiques, cows and the smell of fireplaces in the fall.
I should say I love my dogs. But one of them (ehem, Erika) ate my sunglasses this morning. So, instead I'll say that I love ONE of my dogs. ;)
-Lady Fromage
Thanks for inviting me to think about love for a few minutes. I'm crazy about my husband (aka, love) and my four kids. Oh, and my flower garden. And my sisters and brothers. Nieces and nephews. Girlfriends. Madeleine L'Engle and banjo music. How's that for a list?
I love my sweet parents! They are pretty much the best ever. :)
I heard a song on the radio something like "give me your eyes for just one second..give me your eyes so i can see..everything that i keep missing..give me your love for humanity." When i heard this song..i asked God to indeed give me His love. I do believe I have received it because ever since i asked for it i have looked at people in such a different, beautiful way. So my answer to what I love is..people. I love how awesomely different they are. I love the way their features are so similar yet SO distinct. I care about what makes them happy and what gets them bent out of shape. I love that if you were to look in each person's wallet or purse you would find a different story and different memories. You might discover more about some people, others are just a wonderful mystery. I love how people get nervous about somethings and are proud of somethings.I love to see someone all giddy when they have their first date..i love how sincerely broken someone can be and how passionate some are. I love how creative people are and how exquisitely complex the human brain is. I love all the intricate little pieces that make up one person and how in each second..everyone is living life a different way. I feel like my eyes have been widened and i can get a glimpse of how God sees us..beautiful. <3
I heard a song on the radio something like "give me your eyes for just one second..give me your eyes so i can see..everything that i keep missing..give me your love for humanity." When i heard this song..i asked God to indeed give me His love. I do believe I have received it because ever since i asked for it i have looked at people in such a different, beautiful way. So my answer to what I love is..people. I love how awesomely different they are. I love the way their features are so similar yet SO distinct. I care about what makes them happy and what gets them bent out of shape. I love that if you were to look in each person's wallet or purse you would find a different story and different memories. You might discover more about some people, others are just a wonderful mystery. I love how people get nervous about somethings and are proud of somethings.I love to see someone all giddy when they have their first date..i love how sincerely broken someone can be and how passionate some are. I love how creative people are and how exquisitely complex the human brain is. I love all the intricate little pieces that make up one person and how in each second..everyone is living life a different way. I feel like my eyes have been widened and i can get a glimpse of how God sees us..beautiful. <3
I grey looks awesome!
I love my family. They are adorable and perfect to me and fill my heart with so much happiness!
I love the nights where my husband is really really tired but I keep him awake and he says deliriously funny things.
I love myself...and before you take this as prideful or concieted consider that I've never really been able to say so before. Thanks for that, God!
I love laughter - especially when it comes from a small child - so pure and refreshing.
Simply put, I live by grace. God has reached down to us, people who are in total rebellion. He has shown His love to the unlovely, He has shown favor to those who don't deserve it. Because of this grace, He sent His Son to die in MY place. To take all the punishment I so rightly deserve. Hallelujah!
And by this grace, I am compelled to serve Him, trust Him, and embrace Him as my Father. By grace, I am able to enjoy the many blessings He has given me. By grace, I see beauty in things not beautiful. I am able to love those who hurt me. I am made complete. Grace truly is amazing, and Love wins.
I LOVE, because HE first loved me.
i love change after life starts to feel frustrating and stagnant.
I love my God. He gets me through the hardest of days, and blesses me with the best of days.
I love God's grace that saves me. I love being a child of God. I love my family and friends and the strength that they give me. I love challenges and change that lead to growth. I love being loved by the Creator of the Universe.
Well, arian, i love my wife, and my dog, and bandanas and rolling my jeans up and flipflops. All three of those things get me weird looks, so i guess i kind of love the attention too. Mostly, i love the freedom to be who i am and how it brings glory to God =)
i love staring at the shaped clouds on the sky and also a starry night sky as well. it makes me smile.
these are so cute they must have taken forever. At the moment I really love my boyfriend he is my bestfriend
I love the man whose heat has been knit together with mine for fifty years. That's a whole LOTTA love!
i love my grandma. She has been through so much heartache and health problems, it is medically impossible for her to be alive right now. But, love and faith are keeping her alive. Just seeing her and hearing her call me her pumpkin princess makes all the other worries in the world disappear. i love her, and love feeling loved <3
I love my boyfriend because he tells me that I'm beautiful every day and truly shows he loves me with everything he does. I also love that we share a passion for photography, which allows us to connect our creativity.
As always, beautiful work!
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