
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Party Balloons

I'm working on a set of customizable invitations that will soon be available in the shop. If you have any suggestions for themes or sizes let me know!

We're still getting settled in to our new routine now that Hudson is in kindergarden. I actually don't mind the early mornings as much as I thought I would. Biking to and from school with Hudson is quickly becoming this sweet little daily bonding time for the two of us. And I think Jude is enjoying the little bit of extra attention he's getting now that he's got both parents to himself for part of the day. Sweet, little, Jude....getting bigger every day!

Have a good night ; )


  1. oh my goodness, you're blog is adorable, and you have such an amazing talent!!
    i found you via Elsie, and I will be sticking around <3

  2. i always mean to comment on your blog, but something always comes up. so for the record, your illustrations are lovely and you are amazingly talented.
    ...and your son is just too cute.

  3. Love the fall fashion, tea sets and those adorable pictures today!

    -Lady Fromage

  4. your artwork is so lovely! i am just delighted to have found your beautiful blog and cannot stop looking at everything! thank you for being such an incredible inspiration!

    best wishes to you!

  5. I really love your card. Card making is one crafty I have not ventured into. Your tea sets are so great. I just read an article where they used very nice china, and made candles out of the tea cups. I will be back for inspiration!!

    Gift Baskets
