
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finishing Up!!

Just finishing up an illustration and logo design job with the lovely folks at Aeolidia Design (check out their new website!)

Aaaand we're wrapping up the book---WOOHOO!! It's been nearly a year-long project--- fun, challenging, loooots of work!!

As I was putting together the "About The Authors" page and the "Dedication" page it hit me again just how special this project has been. It's truly been a family endeavor-- mom and I writing it, me taking photos and laying out the design, Daniel doing illustrations, my sister modeling and helping with all the thrift store shopping we had to do, my brother-in-law contributing to the chapter on sound design, my cousin helping me with revisions, and my aunt doing all the editing. AND, most of the old papers, fabric swatches, textures, and old photos I used on all the pages came from Granny who passed away half-way through the process.

What a fitting tribute to her, her creativity, her work ethic, her thriftiness, her love for family, and her love for the arts!!!

Still have several unfinished projects on my plate and new ones coming in. They are all fun and good so I'm excited!

You know what else is exciting??--- WAAAAARM WEATHER!! Yay for being able to wear short sleeves today! We're gonna celebrate by WALKING to dinner. And this video makes me want to wear flip flops, flowy skirts, tank tops, and drink something made with ice and coconut milk.

Hope you're getting to enjoy the weather in your neck of the woods!

Arian : )


  1. How cool to see the whole family being able to be a part of this project. From the sneak peeks I've seen via Standard, it's amazing! Also, I got to meet your grandfather as my husband was substitute preaching at his church in KY this past weekend. He was so sweet to us. And I look forward to meeting you in person at Emily Hill's T-shirt launch on Mar 19!

  2. How exciting for you! I worked as an editor for a publishing company and I know how much work and how long it takes to finally get to this point. Yahoo!

    I just pre-ordered a copy; and I have several people in mind who might really enjoy this book. And I'll be sure to add a comment on Amazon.

    Much success in all your endeavors!
