
Monday, October 19, 2009

Brought To You By Canon and the Number 30

So Daniel and Andrea threw me the sweeeetest surprise b-day party this weekend. One of Cincy's best coffee shop/art galleries, open mic, tables full of art supplies, a spread of tasty food, wine, cider, and about 60 friends and family. Nice work, guys, nice work. I knew it was a good party when people I'd never met before started showing up. Always a good sign.

Back in college, Daniel's fraternity threw a party one time that got so big, people showed up to start selling glow necklaces out front. Maybe that'll happen at my 40th : )

I'll have pics to show you soon. ( I forgot my camera so I had to use Andrea's iphone. )

Speaking of camera, I got a REAL CAMERA for my birthday!!! It's such a good camera that I don't even know how good it is yet! I haven't ventured beyond "auto mode". I'm looking forward to using this blog as an outlet for exploring all the camera's capabilities!!

Playing with the new camera and the boys at the Levee.


Hudson's "dinosaur eggs" (hard-boiled eggs dyed in a colored oil and water mixture.)

Okay, back to mommy duties!

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