
Monday, April 13, 2009

Snippets of Normal

It's been SUCH a transitional month that I'm starting to forget what "normal" looks like. But I have seen comforting hints of familiar over the last couple days.

Like the familiar faces of family and their smiles (after a week of lots of tears).

And treasures from Granny and Papa's house that have found their way into our new living space (aren't Papa's old shoes sweet!). The rug was made by my great-grandma.
This vintage sheet found deep in their closet. I plan on making a simple quilt with it once I find time for crafting again.
And art supplies that are finally getting a little organized.
We're slooowly starting to find our rhythm that will hopefully include lots of art, long walks, cozy fires in our fireplace, dates with my husband, gardening, picnics, and family...LOTS of family.

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