
Saturday, March 28, 2009

3 Generations of Men At Work

I'm definitely a grown-up with a family of my own, but there is still something very comforting about having my dad(s) around. My dad and my dad-in-law both came into town this weekend and are presently hard at work in the basement getting it ready for us to live in (our friends, the owners of our borrowed home, will be back from their 6-month-stint in New England on Tuesday and we're going to move into their basement).

We've been feeling the pressure of a lot of deadlines recently and the stress has temporarily distracted us from the excitement of soon living life with our good friends. But we ARE excited for this new we wouldn't have chosen to write, really, but it feels like the right thing for us now.

The stain for the concrete should be arriving today and we've been slowly acquiring some really great vintage furniture. I can't wait to have it all done so I can show you pics! Have a great weekend!

(Well, some of the men are working harder than others). Hudson is enjoying one of the perks of having grandpa in town ; )


  1. can't wait to see the finished product! i'm sure it will look "suave" with all your creative brains working on it. AND.. i'd like to differ about one thing. it looks like Hudson is working pretty hard to me... workin' hard on that donut, that is. *wink*

  2. What a nice looking basement - seems to have a lot of light?! The brick hearth by the fireplace totally reminds me of my paternal grandparent's house. Bring on the stockings!
