
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Etsy Shoppin

Hey, just checkin in to let you know that we didn't slip and fall off the face of the earth during all the snow and ice over Christmas. Moving from Boston to Cincinnati has been full of surprises (and the hits keep coming). We're kinda homeless right now as the house we were going be staying in is without heat and water. So it's gonna take a week or so til life resembles anything mildly normal.

Til then I thought I'd show off some of our Christmas Etsy purchases...

This LOVELY linen market bag for my sister-in-law from Elizabeth Bentz. The shop has been open less than a month and already has 20 sales...easy to see why.

Several teas, including this BELGIAN CHOCOLATE tea, from TeaForAllReasons. I didn't get to try any but they smelled DELICIOUS....might have to order some for myself soon!

This AWESOME pair of Tabi Sock slippers made from a recycled sweater for my brother-in-law. If he doesn't want them he's welcome to regift them back to us : )

For the budding artists in our family we got several of these super cute pencil cases and filled them with an assortment of art supplies. Check out the selection, it was hard to choose!

A couple years ago Daniel made a wallet for his brother by ironing/melting several layers of plastic grocery bags together into a single, thick bendy plastic sheet then sewing it together with our sewing machine. It's held up pretty well actually but is starting to wear a little. So we got him this recycled neck tie wallet as an upgrade. There are many more where this one came from so stop by and check them out!

And how cute are these leg/arm warmers! Knotty Baby Wear has over 1000 to choose from!! Crazy! My niece is officially the hippest baby in southern Ohio.  I grabbed an extra pair for my boys and will surely be stopping back for more!

Well, I'm off to spend more time with family. I can't wait to get a bit more settled but in the meantime, we're embracing the chaos. : )

1 comment:

  1. hey,
    looks like you made it half-way across the country in the middle of winter safely. glad to hear it. best of luck settling into your new (temporary) space.
    i miss seeing you guys coming and going and i'm sorry i didn't get a chance to say goodbye in person. don't know how you got yourselves packed and moved on sucha a crazy, blowy, snowy weekend.
    thanks so much for the gc to belle femme. i'm saving it for a special occasion. can't wait!
    take care,
