
Monday, September 15, 2008


What a weekend! It started early Saturday with the 5K/Kids's Fun Run. Being my first 5k, it was overall a good experience. Although it did NOT awaken the inner competitive runner in me. It turns out, I like running but I'm not huge in to racing (that's why I'm showing you the before picture and not the after. I have this "I hate life" look on my face in all the finish line photos) ; ) My time was 27:40:9 -- and while I'm not waiting by the phone for Nike to call with sponsorship offers, it was my best time to date, so that's cool.

Hudson's race was hilarious--he came in dead last without a care in the world. While the other kids sweated and grimaced across the finish line, he brought up the rear with a nonchalant trot. Granted, he was one of, if not the, youngest kid running. That's him in the video in the blue sleeveless shirt and white shorts closest to the camera.

There was a little town fair following the race--carnival rides, balloons, games...we even got to touch a tarantula in the science club's booth.

And as usual, Jude spent the day being chubby.

Sunday I shared a booth with my friend Cascade at the Melrose Victorian Fair. I'm still new to the world of festivals/fairs so I'm figuring out what works and what doesn't. But hanging out with Cascade was definitely the highlight of the day : )

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Watching Hudson come running in was so sweet.

    "And as usual, Jude spent the day being chubby."

    That made me laugh out loud. At some point it will even out...right? :o)
