
Thursday, September 18, 2008


We took our first crack at peanut butter Buckeyes in honor of the home state--Ohio (a moment of silence as I pause to salute : ) ) These peanut butter and chocolate nuggets of goodness are supposed to look like Buckeyes (Ohio's state tree).

Here's how:
Peanut Butter Buckeyes

1 3/4 C creamy peanut butter
1 C butter, softened
4 1/4 C powdered sugar
2 C chocolate chips
1 TB vegetable oil

In a large bowl, cream together peanut butter and butter until light and creamy. Add sugar, mix well. Roll into small balls, place on wax paper and chill for 8 hours / overnight (although mine only chilled for about 3 hours and it was fine). Melt chocolate chips and oil in a double broiler or in the microwave. Using toothpicks, spear each ball and dip lower half into chocolate and return to wax paper. Refrigerate to harden and keep stored in the fridge between layers of wax paper.

mmm...nothing says "Midwest" like butter and sugar...


  1. they look delicious and sound lethel.. :o)

  2. I made these last Christmas - they are the BEST! (Feel free to leave some on my doorstep ;-)

  3. yum.

    and to the revillas: i'm sorry there won't be any left for your doorstep because they are going to be on mine.

  4. I love Buckeyes! My mom used to make them with us when we were little - especially around the holidays. :)

  5. We used to make these!! Yummy Stuff!!

  6. These look and sound delicious! We just spent the afternoon collecting the real thing! We live in upstate NY and have an old horse chestnut (buckeye) tree in our front yard. Every fall we go hunting for the fallen treasures. I can't wait to try your recipe!

  7. These look so yummy. I can't wait to make them for my peanut butter loving husband.

  8. Oh, NO! I have all those ingredients right in my cabinet. Too tempting! I bet they WOULD make great Christmas presents.

  9. I am going to give these a try this week. love your blog!

  10. I am doing a post on fall food, arts, and crafts and would love to share this recipe with credits to you and your blog. Please let me know if you mind, thanks!

  11. I have a similar cookie recipe that I just love, but this wins for tasty AND nostalgic as I have fond memories of collecting buckeyes growing up in Missouri. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I am making these today! Saw your blog through the link on the crafty crow. -Sinika in Utah

  13. I am not from Ohio but I can certainly appreciate peanut butter and chocolate. Around these parts we call them Horse Chestnuts- they remind me of my childhood.

  14. I have the perfect excuse to make these: youth bakesale at church. I'm sure a few will pop into my mouth for taste-tasting purposes. :-)

  15. I made them, they were eaten and I was told to never to make them again. ;) Yummy! My Dad used to make something similar but chocolate ALL over with a pecan on top. Glad to have the recipe again...memories! Thank you.

  16. These look super yummy :)
    Thanks for sharing the recipe...I will have to make these soon.

  17. thanks for sharing your recipe and photos! i introduced this ohio treat to my housemates here in san francisco and they can't stop eating them. many "food babies" have resulted - that is, a pregnant appearance due to eating too much tasty food.

  18. Found your blog when trying to explain to a Russian student about to visit Ohio what the best part of Ohio is. She was so confused that there are no actual chesnuts in Buckeye candy. It made realize that, growing up in Ohio, I never ate the actual nut. Just the candy. I don't remember ANYONE eating the nuts. How bizarre if you think about it!
