
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Love Loft

With my love of small living spaces comes my love of creative small living space solutions. Since I saw Ikea's full size loft bed in the store's tiny 500-ish sq ft apartment model, I've been wanting to incorporate the space-saving loft idea in our apartment somehow. But Hudson often crawls into bed with us when he gets up in the morning and nothing spells disaster like a groggy three-year-old and a 6-foot ladder.

So I freaked out today when I saw this post on How cool are these rooms?! We're TOTALLY going to use these ideas in Hudson and Jude's room. Weighing in at a hearty 22lbs, Jude is READY to move out of his little bassinet and into a crib in Hudson's room. (the poor kid can't even straighten out his legs in that thing). But til today I wasn't sure how we'd be able to fit two beds + toys + clothes + bikes in that little bedroom and still have room to walk and play in there.

For us grown-ups, I love low-to-the-floor beds but don't love how much room they take up. And since our bedroom houses, not only our clothes and bedroomy stuff, but all our art/craft supplies as well, we need a lot of storage space. Something like this would totally work. Just roll the bed under the platform during the day and TADA! look how much space it saves!

Yay lofts!


  1. those are AWESOME. our boys share rooms (2 and 2), but we are thinking of moving and bunking all 4 in one room!! these ideas are great!

  2. I would love to get the girls into one room, and love the look of these designs. Is Jude sleeping through? Or Hudson is a champion at ignoring crying? Savannah was sleeping great but recently started waking up again (ugh). So for now, I don't want them sleeping anywhere near each other, which is a challenge in a tiny space. If you do this, I want to come over and see!

  3. I think Jude might sleep through if he was in a bigger, more comfortable bed away from me. Right now it's either the too tiny bassinet or in bed between Daniel and me--neither is ideal. Hudson is a pretty sound sleeper but he's old enough now that, if he does get woken up, he can go back to sleep.
    And you should come over whether we do the loft thing or not! : )

  4. Hey Arian, I bought a print from you a while ago and have been following your blog. I enjoy reading it!

    Anyway, I wanted to comment because the title of your post sooo reminded me of Anchorman (I love lamp), and I've been sitting at work laughing for about a minute about it....oh Friday....

  5. Thanks Jenny! Anchorman...hilarious. I'm glad someone got the reference : ) If you haven't yet, you need to watch the DVD special features. Steve Carell=comic genius.
