
Friday, March 27, 2015

Silas Lusby Armstrong

Silas Lusby Armstrong (middle name in honor of this guy) made his appearance at 10:23am on March 17! He was 8lbs 11oz and 21.5 inches long. We love him dearly.

Though I think Eli is struggling through some "not the baby anymore" emotions, Hudson and Jude are soaking in this cuddly newborn season. Silas feels right at home falling asleep on their chests. And they don't mind : )

Four boys. Yesterday was my first time alone with all of them and I made it a full twenty minutes before resorting to Netflix : ) We're doing our best to ride the waves of high highs (pictured) and low lows (sleepless night, toddler fits) with patience and grace.

Here goes a new adventure!
