Thursday, December 9, 2010

Making Our Lists

 We've been making our Christmas shopping lists and checking things off. The boys have been great little helpers! Hudson's been writing his shopping lists the proper way---with ink and a feather, while I've been taking a more modern ipod list-making approach. : )

 The boys and I spent the day being productive little Christmas shopping elves. Of course we took a break to treat ourselves to some muffins (for them) and coffee (for me).
 This is one of the boys' favorite spots for our coffee shop dates because they can watch the barges go by and see all the big trucks on the bridges.
We got about half way done with our list before the boys got too tired to go on. : ) I'm looking forward to a weekend of more shopping and wrapping and crafting and carols and Christmas movies!

 (don't worry, we were stuck in non-moving traffic when I snapped these pics)
Hope you're enjoying all your holiday prep!!

Arian : )

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