
Monday, December 13, 2010

Cozy Does It.

 There's a pretty, fresh, blanket of snow covering outside which makes everything indoors seem even cozier.

 Tree is up, stockings are hung, and presents are waiting to be wrapped!

And one of my favorite Christmas traditions--the candlelight service! It doesn't matter if there are 30 people in the service, or 3000, singing Silent Night by candle light is always cozy and calm. Love it. Makes everyone feel like family : )

Hope you're warm and cozy where ever you are!

Arian : )


  1. This post makes me feel all cozy... thanks :) *warm fuzzies*

  2. Hey girl,
    I'm doing a Christmas card swap at my blog and would love to have you join in :)

  3. yes, it's snowing here in northern germany too... sooo cozy inside. btw, i also joined the sketchbook project!!
    have a great day! sylvia

  4. This is a cozy post! It's almost 50 degrees in Tulsa and super sunny! But that helps me stay positive with all I have yet to do before Christmas :)

    Merry Christmas!!!

  5. First, what did you use to take these? And did you do anything to them afterwards or was it just the camera and/or type of film you used? Sorry if that's a dumb question =P
