Busy week! Here's one of the pieces I finished for the show that opens next week at A.R.T. here in Cincinnati. The opening is November 13, 6:00-9:00 at 506 Wyoming Ave. Cincinnati, OH if you're local! You can read a bit more here.
The show is called "A Few of My Favorite Things" and all my pieces are umbrella themed. What can I say, I love umbrellas!

More on the way!
By the way, I added a little "What's Inspiring Me Right Now" section to there right ( look! ----> ). Just a little rotating list of the images and sounds that are fueling my creativity at the moment. Enjoy!
Arian : )
It's beautiful! Wonderful job :)
I like the owl. Beautiful colors and wonderful tones. If you're in search of owlish things the thrift stores we frequent tend to have an abundance...
beautiful painting... lovin it!
i enjoy reading your blog... just found it a few days ago and i'm so glad. i wanted to let you know that i'm doing a giveaway... check it out if you're interested.
enjoy your day.
Wow, your desk space is sooooo much cleaner than mine! Your paintings are so sweet!
gorgeous! love the colours.. well, just everything about it really!
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