We went to a great little
coffee shop last night that was a gold mine of creative inspiration. If you're local, you should go there! It's run by an artist and her husband and the whole place is overflowing with their artistry.

The artist/owner invited us upstairs to her studio and I was in awe of her talent!
Running a coffee shop and living as an artist with her own great studio? She must be single," I thought to myself. "
Married?....Oh well, then they must not have kids......Three?!.........Oh, well then she must do a lot of her work while they are in school.....Homeschool?!" I was so inspired! So you CAN be a mom and a wife and a teacher and an artist and a business owner and still take care of yourself and look good and be social. Good to know!

She's inspired by birds (hence the name of their coffee shop) so naturally she has a half a dozen beautiful ones that often fly freely around her studio. Who doesn't? That one staring me down on top--totally real. And she does amazing work with concrete and paper and pencil and paint and old pieces of furniture she finds in the trash. When she gets her website up and running I will post a link.

So thanks for the inspiration, Jill, and the great coffee!
(p.s. they're also showing one of my
friend's photographs from India...yet another reason to check the place out!)
1 comment:
Your friend must not sleep. Or she must be like Martha and only sleeps 5 hours a night. I can barely handle wife and mom, much less teacher, artist, business owner... I don't know if she's making me feel inspired or just tired! :)
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