I've been working on a few projects for Artists&Authors in preparation for their cd release party later this month--the cd art, t-shirts, stickers, etc. If you're local to the Cincinnati area you should definitely come by. It'll be a good show!
Projects are starting to pile up now. It's a good problem to have-- more art than I have time to complete! And it looks like there could a BIG project on the horizon for me soon. Busy! Fun, but busy!
Love the bird shirt! Cool details in it.
What's "Indie Cred?" Maybe I'm showing my age (or my general non-hip-ness...)
Indie cred: (according to wikipedia) a term similar to "street cred," describes the authenticity of an independent band. Having indie cred is crucial[citation needed] for such a band to be critically and popularly well received by people in the indie scene.
Don't worry, I had to look it up too when Andrea mentioned wanting a design that showed they had "indie cred). : )
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