We spent the weekend at a friend's BIG OLD house--celebrating Jude's first birthday, eating more than necessary in their HUGE gourmet kitchen, lounging on the over-sized comfy couches, and getting our cable tv fix (HGTV for me and the cartoon network for Daniel and Hudson ; ), oh, and taking a crazy number of photos because the whole house looks like the set of a
Michael Wilson photo shoot.

Happy Birthday "little" guy! : ) It's been a crazy
On an unrelated note, I just started
C.S. Lewis's book
Mere Christianity. If anyone out there is reading it or wants to start, let me know! I tend not to finish books and I'd like to actually finish this one...perhaps a virtual book partner/book club is in order? It's a fast read so it's no major commitment. Anyway, hope your week is off to a great start!!
Mere Christianity is amazing! I wish I could find my copy :( Enjoy--it's amazing!
Hey virtual friend,
Dan and Becky Smyth, well Becky specifically, mentioned this idea to me and I would be down with it. I've read it before but discussing it with someone is an excellent idea. I've never participated in an internet book club, but it sounds like my cup of alley, right up my tea! So, I've never really blogged but I have serious computer skills and internet connex for days coupled with an earnest interest in reading make me the internet book club member internet book clubs dream about...okay I got carried away--so do your best Montel Jordan impersonation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_How_We_Do_It) and we can get started.
Future Blogger,
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